Organic Elderberry Flowers & Berries Tonic


SKU: Elderberry Tonic Category: Tags: , ,


Rich in Elderberry Berries and Flowers, this formula acts as a natural immune booster and anti-viral. Made with Certified Organic Herb.

Customer Testimonial: “Normally we only use elderberry when we get sick in the winter, but with the bad flu going around this season I’ve been slipping it into tea and smoothies when nobody’s looking to keep the virus far far away. And that means my otherwise plentiful homemade stash of syrup just ran out.

Enter Loving Dove Naturals @lovingdovenaturals to the rescue, with amazing service! I know this family from our up north days and they are the real deal. If you need some of your own herbal goodness to boost your immunity and keep the germs far far away from you too, this sweet little pure Michigan company is what you need.”
B.N., Battle Creek, MI

Additional information

Weight 4 oz
Dimensions 2 × 3 × 4 in
Tonic Sizes

2 oz (60 ml), 6 oz (177 ml)


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